Winter After School Clubs
LATIN CLUB - Register Here!
Salvete Discipuli! Are you interested in doing awesome Roman things with all of your awesome Roman peers? If so, sign up for Winter Latin Club! We will be watching an edited version of the original Gladiator, eating Roman popcorn, cleaning authentic ancient Roman coins, playing Roman sports, and having an overall scintillating Roman time. Winter Latin Club will be held on Thursdays beginning 1/30 in Magistra Shoemaker's room from 3:20-4:20pm. Eugepae! (Sign up for Latin Club is only open to Latin students and is capped at 30 participants!)
Who: Teacher Kelly Shoemaker
What: Latin Club
When: Thursdays after school from 3:20-4:20pm for 8 weeks starting 1/30/25
Fee: $120
HIGH FIVE CHOIR - Register Here!
The Wilmette High Five Junior Choir strives to provide a safe, affirming learning environment in which students of all abilities come together to create and experience music, build friendships, and raise awareness against stereotypes of differently abled people. This club was designed after the High-5 Choir that is offered at New Trier High School. The Wilmette High Five Junior Choir aims to share the love of music with peers regardless of abilities, share our voices through music, and have a lot of fun!
Club days and times: Thursdays, 3:45 – 4:45, Jan 30, 2025 – May 1, 2025 (12 weeks, no club on Mar 6
and ‘No School’ days)
Club meeting location: HMS Music Room 134
Sprint Concert dates and times: May 8, 2025, 4:15 – 4:45 pm, HMS Auditorium
Spring Sing with NTHS: May 22, 2025, 11:45 am – 12:30 pm (plus travel time)
Instructor: HMS Music Director, Mrs. Martin
Club fee: $125
DEBATE CLUB - Register Here!
Does your student know how to think fast and speak well? Winter registration is now open for the Aces Debate club. This 8-week session is open to all students, no matter what level. For more information and to register click HERE. Questions? Email instructor Aaron Vinson at
Previous students will take ADVANCED DEBATE on Mondays at WJHS at 3:30-4:30pm beginning 1/13. Beginners can take the INTRO TO DEBATE class, held at Highcrest Middle School Fridays 3:45-4:45pm beginning 1/10. Students who started in the fall at HMS can continue on Thursdays beginning 1/23. The Winter Session ends with a 2-hour debate tournament for all levels to give students an opportunity to demonstrate their new skills in full debates! For more information and to register click HERE.
Fall After School Clubs
The Wilmette High Five Junior Choir strives to provide a safe, affirming learning environment in which students of all abilities come together to create and experience music, build friendships, and raise awareness against stereotypes of differently abled people. This club was designed after the High-5 Choir that is offered at New Trier High School. The Wilmette High Five Junior Choir aims to share the love of music with peers regardless of abilities, share our voices through music, and have a lot of fun! If you want to better understand what High Five Junior Choir is, please watch this video.
Club days and times: Thursdays, 3:45 – 4:45, Sep 19, 2024 – Jan 16, 2025
Club meeting location: HMS Music Room 134
Winter concert dates and times: Jan 23, 2025, 4:15 – 4:45 pm, HMS Auditorium
Instructor: HMS Music Director, Mrs. Martin
Club fee: $125
Registration Link:
Latin Club
The Fall session is currently FULL.
Attendite Students of Latin! Latin Club will be going strong this fall with a fabulous round of activities. We will craft barbarian booties and race down the majestic halls of WJHS for prizes. Engineer buildings of Ancient Rome whilst, delighting look in the pomegranate. We will partake in the joys of the most fabulous 1981 version of Clash of the Titans, celebrate Halloween by carving mythological pumpkins, and race four horse chariots with bed sheets! We will always meet in Magistra’s classroom and sometimes move to other areas of the building for space and cleanliness purposes. Latin Club is only open to Latin students and is capped at 30 students!
Who: Teacher Kelly Shoemaker
What: Latin Club
When: Thursdays after school from 3:20-4:20pm for 8 weeks 9/26, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24, 11/7, 11/14, 11/21, 12/5 (no school 10/3 and early release 10/31 so no afterschool club)
Fee: $120
The Fall session is currently FULL. For more information click HERE. Questions? Email instructor Aaron Vinson at
Learn how to think fast and speak well! Study research, writing and oral arguments. Aces Debate Club is offering an 8-week Advanced Debate class at WJHS beginning Mondays at 3:30-4:30pm starting 10/7. This class is for WJHS students who have taken debate before, either at Highcrest or WJHS. Cost is $280. Program concludes with a 2-hour session to give students an opportunity to demonstrate their new skills in full debates.
Aces Debate Club is also offering an 8-week Intro to Debate class, being held at Highcrest Middle School Fridays 3:45-4:45pm starting 9/20. This class is for WJHS and HMS students who have not participated in debate before. Cost is $280.