Communications Guidelines

The mission of the PTO is to support the students and staff through various activities and venues
in the hope of providing the best educational environment and opportunity for all of our children.

With this in mind, our communication vehicles are designed to promote/support our mission, as well as the activities of the PTO. If you have a non-PTO activity, special event, or item of interest that falls within our mission, we can help you spread the word and/or get volunteers.


Examples of what we will help promote:

  • A PTO-sponsored event/activity
  • PTO Committee news
  • An all-inclusive student event (i.e. the additional DC trip), limiting to one post at kick-off and one post close to event date.
  • A scout troop registration (one per year, per troop) (On our WJHS Parents Facebook page only)
  • A pre-approved student night at an approved business. (Must offer discount to students. Limit one event per school year.) (On our WJHS Parents Facebook page only)

Examples of what we will not help promote:

  • A non-pre-approved business event/promotion
  • A business that is charging in full for an event
  • Third party fundraisers
  • Private enterprises and organizations
  • Personal fundraisers

Please read the requirements of the various WJHS PTO communication avenues and email or all submissions.


Weekly Highlights Newsletter

The Weekly Highlights newsletter is emailed to parents every Friday from WJHS Principal, Kate Dominque. The Highlights is divided into three sections:

  • WJHS News from Kate Dominique
    • Information on the week ahead at WJHS
    • WJHS meetings, news and upcoming events and activities
    • Classroom activities
  • PTO News from PTO President
    • PTO sponsored activities, meetings, events, announcements
    • PTO promoted activities
    • District-wide PTO announcements
  • Community News from D39
    • D39 meetings, events, announcements and activities
    • D39 Foundation news, events, activities
    • D39 supported activities (must be non-profit)
    • Must be submitted to D39, not to PTO
    • Wilmette Public Library and Park District announcements that relate to education

Deadline: Wednesday at noon for that Friday’s Highlights

Requirements: You must write your own blurb and email it to Limit all submissions to 75 words or less. If you need more or want to include an image, please include an attachment.


PTO Website


The WJHS PTO website includes: 

  • Pertinent information on the activities of the PTO
  • Back-to-School Checklist
  • Contact information
  • PTO documents; meetings and meeting notes
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • After School Club information
  • Graduation activities
  • Weekly Highlights



WJHS Parents Page on Facebook


Although not run by the WJHS PTO, many announcements are shared on the WJHS Parents Facebook page. If you haven’t joined, it’s worthwhile to be able to ask questions from fellow current parents or just to see what other parents say. You will need to answer a few questions to make sure you have a current student at WJHS.