Financial Forms & Policies

PTO Deposit Form

PTO Expense Form

Financial Policies

IRS Form W-9

WJHS PTO Tax Exemption Letter


Instructions for Expenses and Deposits

We hope the following will help you in your financial dealings with the PTO.  You will find the following documents on the PTO website – Expense forms, income/Deposit forms, and copy of the sales tax exemption letter. Please contact the Treasurer if you have questions about the forms.


Reimbursements/Check Requests

  • The PTO does not pay sales tax.When making purchases for the PTO, please either use the PTO sales tax exemption letter, or pay for the sales tax yourself.  Sales tax will not be reimbursed by the PTO.
  • Fill out and SIGN an Expense form.
  • Attach receipt or invoice.  If you are submitting several receipts at one time, please list them on the reimbursement/check request form (or on a separate piece of paper).
  • Send by mail, hand deliver to me or leave the request in the Treasurer’s folder in the WJHS office. E-mail if you leave a request at school. Be sure to submit check request form at least a week before you need the check.  I will mail the check to you or to the appropriate person.
  • Please have invoices for your event sent to you, not directly to the Treasurer.  A PTO committee chair needs to approve the expense before we can write a check.
  • Reimbursements will not be made unless there are funds in your committee’s budget.  The budget will be submitted to the PTO General Board for approval at the first PTO meeting in the fall.  After that time, changes to the budget must be approved by a vote of the board.  Please make sure you understand your budget and which expenses are allowed.  If you have questions or comments, please contact the treasurer or one of the co-presidents.
  • Please submit all reimbursement requests within 30 days of the expense and definitely before the last day of school in June.  (Graduation party and landscaping committee members can have a little more time!)
  • If you need a cash box for an event (a bank), please let me know at least a week in advance.
  • Requests for action by the Treasurer via the PTO mailbox at WJHS will be picked up on Wednesdays only. Please mark envelope clearly for the attention of the Treasurer. For urgent issues, please contact the Treasurer via email:


  • Count cash, and separate bills by denomination.  Count the number of checks and determine the total dollar amount. (Please separate checks by dollar amounts.)
  • Fill out a Deposit form and turn it in to the Treasurer with the funds to be deposited.
  • Please do not leave large amounts of cash or checks in the school office!  Contact the Treasurer (contact information is on the bottom of the form) to schedule a time to hand over the deposit.

Please sort checks in the following order:

  • First by dollar amount (largest to smallest).
  • Second by last name (use the father’s last name if it is different than the mother’s) within each dollar amount grouping.